Friday, December 23, 2011

A metaphysical interpretation of 1 John 3:9-10 by Matthew Michaud

(1 John 3:9,10) Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God. In this are the children of God manifest ........
Another verse underneath says; everyone who loves is born of God and knows him. To be born of God would be in one way to wake up from the lie of who you thought and have been told you are (a sinner and an individual seperate from others and God), and to come to the realization that you are "the image of God" "Christ in you the hope of glory".
You are an extention of the Father who is love; therefore his Love for all humanity is who you and I are. Yet we are not seperated in this, rather we are one (connected). When you find that you are "Love", you can then understand why you cannot sin. 
Before this we all feel condemned, guilty, and ashamed. Yet when you see that you are who you are (the true you "love"), then you also see that who was leading you was actually not really you but none other than the carnal thinking which believes the outward lies it sees and what it has heard over the years. That's what forms this false image and identity which we all at first embrace. Until we see that is not us and embrace we are what God has called us. 
Sin from what I know is not your actions as much as it is of, mising the mark, falling short of the glory. That would simply be us forgetting who we really are and embracing a lie. So how can one sin when he knows that sin is only another name for "forgetting that you are the body of Christ" who was with God before man was ever formed. The Holy Spirit is bringing all things to our memeory and renewing our true idenity to our minds. 
When sin is revealed for what it is or who it is (the created ego/opposer of God) and we see we are not him, the love that we are (our true identity), will cover a multitude of sins... [multidude - the many false identity's/ego's which are created lies and illusions. New Covenent is God remembers no more an illusion. We are his only begotten Son, as many members but one Son. He loved so much he gave his love in the form of us to each other.....
Another thought that came that is interestning is; Sin = just simply a lie in your mind that you are an individual apart from God, alienated from God but only in your mind/thoughts. That would drive an anxious mind to become god for himself. That would be living in an illusion where the mind is now a law creator, judge, and then condemner. 
The whole time we are sleeping to the true us. He gives the laws "good/evil" based on illusions he sees and misinterpets, lusts for them, then accuses you of being him. It is a cycle to keep you blind, absorbed, and desending into a lie (the carnal mind), to keep you hidden in him and thinking you are him. He is Sin, so sin would be to think we are him rather than us "Christ"...
- Matthew Michaud
Yes, to be born of God isn't the same as "to become a christian", unlike what mainstream christianity teaches. I agree it is to awaken to the truth of who we are - we are already children of God - and once we realise our true identity, it is impossible for us to "sin" (or to forget our true identity anymore). In fact, that verse was addressed to the Jews, so it would make sense to them in their context because they were still under a religious system (since "sin" is a religious concept and doesn't exist in reality). We know that we live after the religious law system was made obsolete in AD70, so the concept of "sin" doesn't apply to us anyway, but nevertheless it is good to understand John's gospel in the light of our identity. :)

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