Wednesday, October 3, 2012

"People don't need to be saved or rescued. People need knowledge of their own power and how to access it."

Regarding the above picture, my understanding of the message is that it is about empowerment, whereby each of us needs to know our true divine identity who possesses infinite wisdom and we have the power to create or co-create our reality. I think organised religions such as mainstream Christianity tends to tell people to rely on an external saviour, but this idea is based on the illusion of separation.

I also come to realise the religious or societal mindset seems to place a responsibility on people to save others, in the sense of fixing others, but this not only becomes legalism, but also encourages co-dependence because when we "save" people, we have to save them again and again as long as they remain unaware of their own innate power. When we realise that we are not called to be saviours (because each of us is our own saviour, or our own physician, as Jesus said, "physician, heal thyself"), the pressure is off us to save others. Maybe religious authorities don't really want the masses to know about their own true innate power so that the authorities can continue to enslave and control them by keeping the masses co-dependent on them, telling them to come back every Sunday and "hear the word of God" from them. But no, each of us can hear God ourselves because we are one with God/Divine/Great Spirit, and we are also gods and goddesses. We all have intuition, and we can tap into our psychic powers, so to speak, by meditating and being in tune with ourselves and with Mother Nature. As the verse goes, "be still and know that I am God". 
"Beliefs are doubts wearing garments of fear." ~ Randy Stalls

"Beliefs' indicate that one does not 'Know'.....When one 'Knows', all 'beliefs' and 'belief systems' have fallen away".....Matthew Michaud

Yes, too often, beliefs in the religious circles are based on borrowed concepts, ideologies and doctrines passed down through the centuries, and most of the time, such beliefs are fear-based, as noted by Randy Stalls. For example, people are taught to believe they have to do this or that, else "God" will be displeased blah blah blah.  Also, like what Matthew Michaud pointed out, when people know instead of believe, all belief systems have fallen away. Our part then is to know who we really are, and help remind others too where necessary.

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