Sunday, October 28, 2012

Resonance - living with different frequencies

I have no doubt most grace preachers and teachers are helping people to believe in positive outcomes to overcome their problems. After all, my personal principle is that whatever benefits oneself and others is wonderful, and it doesn't matter what label we give to our religion or ideology, whether it is called progressive Christianity or new age or socialism or anarchism, etc. However, the main grouse I have with mainstream Christianity or grace teachings in evangelical circles is that they engage in double talk - on one hand, they encourage people to see God as bigger than their problems, yet on the other hand, they limit God by excluding "unbelievers" from being part of God's family unless they are seen to confess or believe the "right" things about Jesus Christ.

The false dichotomy of "us versus them" is perhaps one of the most divisive mindsets in the world. I myself also need to remember not to allow the differences in beliefs or mindsets come between me and others. I suppose friendship with others who subscribe to mainstream Christianity is still possible, even though it may not be at a deep level since there may be little or no resonance with their mindsets about certain topics or issues.

This is not to say I got everything figured out and they don't. Rather, this is to acknowledge that my journey has taken a different turn from theirs at some point in time. I feel that it is up to each person to decide for oneself whether one prefers to explore the mysteries of life by oneself or to follow the crowd and accept the established ideas handed down from the previous generations. Of course, we all can choose to learn from one another and draw our own conclusions. We need one another at the end of the day, since we are interconnected in the web of life in the universe, even though we may not always see eye to eye on some matters.
 'Trust the wisdom of your soul. It knows the way."~ Laurel at Illuminating Souls.

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