Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The mystery of the gospel is all about us

I believe the mystery that ancient texts speak of is that what is written is about YOU. Not literal but an allegory.. You are the living word. You are love spoken.. The fall of who you think you are and the rise of Christ is a story that happens within all of us. Not something out there. Heaven (enlightenment) isn't a place somewhere it is within and so is hell. All the tribulations everything. One is taken and one is left... Separating the wheat from the chaff... ONE is always remaining!! TRUTH everything else must go! ♥ at least this is what I feel" Star Love
Yes, that's true - the mystery of the gospel is all about us - our fall in Adam and our rise in Christ. One is taken and one remains. The false identity based on the illusion of ego and identity is the chaff that was gathered and burnt, and only the wheat remains, which is our true identity based on the truth of unconditional love and divine oneness with God or higher self and with one another. 
I also learnt that the word "apocalypse" is derived from the Greek word "apokalypsis", which can mean cataclysm or revelation. Both meanings are metaphorical or symbolical. The cataclysm is about the destruction of the illusion of separation and ego, and the revelation is about the unveiling of our true identity of divinity and unity.

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