Saturday, November 10, 2012

Why people need a religion based on probabilities and science

"I'm beginning to believe, consider even, that the vast majority of people actually need a religion because they are incapable of being responsible for themselves and to themselves, nor are they capable, either by nature or nurture, to have independent thought. They need religion to control or to justify being controlled. If this is true, then they need a better religion, one based on probabilities rather than impossibilities, science instead of snake oil." ~Timm Chambliss
Yes, Christianity is dying right now before our eyes, and I believe those who hold on to mainstream Christianity or evangelical Christianity are doing so only because they are used to being controlled by the church leadership, as noted by Tim Chambliss. Even so, they would be better off choosing a better religion that is built on probabilities (or possibilities) and science, instead of dogma and superstitions.

I also wonder how long the existing preachers can continue to keep up their facade and pull the wool over people's eyes with their fear-based and separatist doctrines, in order to keep the religious business going. Whatever it is, more and more people around the world are indeed starting to question and reject status quo and compliance to norms in the church world and in society at large. We can only keep on sharing edifying materials that are helpful to ourselves and others concerning our innate oneness in the meantime, and witness the freedom being experienced by more and more people around us.

Also, the universe has its own way of getting the message across to people in their awakening process, so in the meantime, it is wise to keep a distance for the time being from those who are unpredictable and have yet to come to terms with their own shadows, so to speak, for our own safety. Each of us has to deal with our own shadows and is not responsible for others' shadows. Though we may still share thought-provoking and liberating materials with others from time to time, through our blogs, emails, etc, it is up to them to decide whether and how they allow themselves to be inspired and awakened. The old system of classism is dying, and people need to either evolve and grow along with the new system of equality or eventually die (with the old system), or at the least become irrelevant in the new era of higher consciousness and unity.

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