Monday, December 17, 2012

Overcoming doubt and self-rejection and focusing on our belovedness and innocence

"For every person there are two voices in their head. One that brings life and encouragement and another that leads to doubt and death. A double minded man is unstable in all his ways. We've been conditioned to believe all the negative things we hear, think and say. But we need not suffer another day. So start by knowing which thoughts to heed and which to throw away. Be impeccable with your thoughts and words today and you will be able to handle anything that comes your way."
- Jacob Israel
This is so true as there are times I also felt vulnerable to the conflicting voices in my mind as described in his post. While I may already know the truth of my true identity as a beloved child of God/Divine Love, there are still times I forget or lose sight of the truth.

Like what he described, we have all been conditioned to believe the negative things we hear, think and say, whether from the mass media or advertisements, or fundamentalist religions, or society or family members or relatives etc in the past. Past experiences and memories of rejection may resurface or may be triggered by some events or some challenges, so it is always good to remember that we do not need to buy into these lies about ourselves, and instead keep resting in the knowledge that we are beloved children of God and we are favoured and precious. And the more we focus on our belovedness and innocence, the more likely we will attract the same vibrations of favour and blessings towards us from the universe too, I believe.

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