Monday, October 28, 2013

Love liberates, restores and builds us up

“Love is what God is, love is why Jesus came, and love is why he continues to come, year after year to person after person.

May you experience this vast, expansive, infinite, indestructible love that has been yours all along. May you discover that this love is as wide as the sky and as small as the cracks in your heart no one else knows about. And may you know, deep in your bones, that love wins.” 

- Rob Bell

Yes, love wins because love is vast, expansive, infinite and indestructible and love resides in us. It may be said that love is embodied in God or Jesus, our highest self, who taught by example the essence of unconditional, universal and inclusive love. Indeed, the revolution is love, correcting everything that stands against love, just as Jesus (Christ in us, the hope of glory) is love in action, challenging and demolishing hierarchical and patriarchal structures, leveling mountains and raising valleys metaphorically, liberating people from oppression and injustice, as well as restoring them and building them up. 

Also, truth is both immanent and transcendent, residing in us as well as outside of us. Truth, like love, is self-existing and has no beginning and no end, just as the Universe is self-existing. We can see truth or love imprinted in the beauty of Nature, for example. 

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