Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Book Review: "Raising Hell: Christianity's Most Controversial Doctrine Put Under Fire" by Julie Ferwerda

The introduction of the book looks good - I agree with the author that it is good to have an open, inquiring mind like a little child. On the whole, I find the book fairly balanced and well researched, and I appreciate the in-depth studies done for the writing.

People who are indifferent to the debate on hell may wonder what the big deal is about this subject, but the author explained why we need to question the teaching of hell - it is because "the very name and character of God is at stake!" Given that God is love, will He allow His own offspring to be punished or tortured in "hell" for eternity?

I would recommend this book for anyone who wants to understand more about the complete redemption or universal reconciliation of the world, and how the concept of hell has been largely misunderstood by people in mainstream christianity.

While one may not agree with every detail in the book about God's salvation plan for everyone, such as the time frame or sequence of how everyone is reconciled to God, I believe one will still be blessed reading about how good and loving our creator God really is, and how the good news of Christ is actually better than one used to think.

(This is a preliminary review based on the complimentary PDF version of the book, which I have read more than halfway. I hope to write a more extensive review of this book in my blog in future when I have more time. Blessed day to you.)

Update on 27 Dec 2011: I have written an in-depth review in my other blog.

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