Thursday, July 26, 2012

Love is why we are here

 Source: Practicing the Presence through Mind and Meditation
I like the short and succinct message. The words "love" and "here" stand out. It is like the message is conveying a sense of being present, in the here and now. Love is. Here is love. Right now in the present moment, love is here with us, and in us, and is us. As a saying goes, "we reach there by realising we are there".

Yes, in the same way, we find (or experience) love by realising we are love. Love is the journey as well as the destination. Love is also the source or the starting point, for as the message says, love is why we are here. So we came from love, our original source. We came to love and be loved, our divine/human purpose. Without love, there is no meaning in life. Love is the highest vibration of the universe that makes life worthwhile. I am on a journey of remembering who I am and why I am here, over and over again, every day.

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