We are all God's beloved children, in whom He is well pleased and delighted. We are all complete and fulfilled and blessed in Christ.
His mercies are new every morning. Enjoy the gift of the present. Don't regret the past or worry about the future.
Jesus' presence is always in the present. He is our I Am.
God's unmerited favour is found in the present.
Preaching to ourselves helps renew our mind too.
Jesus, hide us under the shadow of your wings, and keep us as the apple of your eye.
(Expecting favour on royalties.:)
Jesus is our right place, right time. He is our favour, our restoration, our rest.
Jesus is the high priest of our confession. His hand of blessings always gives grace to us His people.
We receive abundance of grace to reign in life as we cast our cares on Him, for we gives grace to the humble.
We sought the Lord and He heard us and delivered us from all our fears. He speaks shalom to our situation and restores our soul.
Keep hearing the ram's horm proclaiming Jesus' work has been finished. (Jewish perspective)
Have a different spirit of faith. Take heed what and how we hear. We believe, therefore we speak.
Change the course of destiny for the better by speaking words of blessings.
His grace (unmerited favour) is sufficient for us; His strength is made perfect in weakness.
We are forgiven much, because Jesus (our true self) loves us much.
It is the goodness and kindness of God (our highest self) in His consuming fire of love that leads us to repentance (change of mind to believe the good news of grace and peace).
God gives grace to the humble who are casting all our cares on Him, for He cares for us.
Guard the finished work of Jesus because only His finished work works.
God wants us to eat from the tree of life and live by His unmerited favour.
Our happy God richly gives us ALL things to enjoy.
We are created for love. Greater love has no one than this, to lay down one's life for his friends.
Enjoy and rejoice in the Lord (our true identity) always.
With Jesus in the centre of our lives, everything remains whole and integrated.
Jesus is more than willing to bless and prosper and make us whole. Lord, your blessings be upon us as you will.
We can experience God's best every single day. He (our highest self) is God of more than enough!
God's grace and goodness is ever flowing bountifully and freely in our life, regardless of our performance.
What is desired of a man is kindness.
Enjoy heaven on earth on our way to heaven.
In Christ, we are healthy. We walk knowing we are healthy and whole.
We know our God is God of more than enough. We can experience His best every single day, every moment.
God (our cosmic consciousness) wants us blessed more than enough. Hallelujah.
Let not the Word sown in our heart be stolen or choked by cares of this life.
At all times, we will bless Him, His praise shall be in our mouth, our soul makes its boast in the Lord.
Monday, April 30, 2012
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Nuggets of encouragement (You shall go out with joy)
"The best way to predict the future is to create it." Peter Drucker
My beloved shared with me that "We are creators, experiencing being creatures....... Humans, (Hu) means God, (Man) is what we are experiencing....."
Yes, I like the fact that the word humans means God (hu) and man in combination. We can think and access God's thoughts in higher consciousness of love, grace and mercy, and as the rain and snow comes down from heaven, so shall our words cause the earth of our being to blossom and bear fruit - our thoughts and words shall prosper our future indeed, and we shall go out with joy and be led forth with peace, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands. Instead of thorns, we shall have a garden of trees and flowers in which we cultivate daily with gratitude, love and peace.
Here are some more nuggets of encouragement. They remind me of the fact that as co-creators, we can create and cultivate our own beautiful garden of trees and flowers with joy, peace, love and beauty, based on the quote - "The best way to predict the future is to create it." Peter Drucker
Life doesn't come with an instruction manual of the do's and don'ts of life. The one message that comes through loud and clear is that life can be whatever you want it to be. Life is a journey. You chart your own course, make your own decisions and choose the paths you will take along the way. You have to believe in yourself and your choices and know that you can only be responsible for your part in this lifetime. Don't dwell on past mistakes, live them and learn from them but then move on. They don't define who you are, they are just puzzle pieces that you pick up along the way that ultimately come together with the positive life moments to form a glorious lifetime.
~Debra Wilson~
"You have a choice to create a magnificent day. Be the best you can be and know that whatever you choose to do is to the best of your ability. Be kind to yourself.. no more internalising or beating yourself up over past issues. It is the past. Heal those issues as much as you can with the knowledge you have. After all you are a lightworker... PS: Know that you are always loved and supported..."
- Unknown
"Sometimes you just have to let go and fly....Let go of your pain...Fly on the wings of faith...Believe that tomorrow will be a brighter day....There are many changes taking place....Take a breath and know all is as it should be...Things are changing for a reason....You are growing and in doing so many thing will change to make way for many blessings...Watch out becouse here they come, be open to receive...Open your heart look inside and let your love and light shine through.....Lot of love."
You are so loved, this is the truth
Count your blessing now, for the future is not written yet and what's really important is right now! Take the time right now to think about a few things you are thankful for, let your mind roam free in the little things that make you smile, they're always there, the just get hard to see through things that we allow to get us down......smile now and know as you're reading this that i'm smiling because i'm so thankful for You! Hugs ♥

Little Bird You Are Perfect
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(¸.♥´´¯`•.¸¸.ღƸ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ No less than the stars and the sun, YOU TOO, were born to be brilliant! It is your time to shine ღƸ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ
Peter Drucker,
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Dec 2010 Grace Nuggets (Think About His Love)
Grace is always supplying because love is always giving.
The best way to experience God’s blessings is to enjoy the
Lord every moment. Never feel rushed, stressed or pressurised. Rest in God’s
grace who is always supplying to us.
It doesn't matter how much theology we know. It's how much we are willing to believe and receive God's oversupplying love and grace and enjoy our blessedness in Christ.
You are our hiding place. You shall preserve us from trouble; You shall surround us with songs of deliverance. (Psalm 32:7)
God has made us masterpieces, created in His glorious image.
"I love my Master, my wife and my children. I will not go out free", for true freedom is found in a loving family relationship.
It is His (and our) joy, pleasure and glory to overlook a transgression. (Proverbs 19:11)
We are a new creation in Christ, made in His glorious image, a masterpiece beloved and whole, blessed to be a blessing.
Remove condemnation and the outward symptoms will disappear.
Expect good because God's favour is on us in Christ.
It is the goodness and kindness of God that leads us to repentance (change our mind to believe the good news of grace). Keep expecting to experience His goodness!
Surely goodness and love shall chase us down all the days of our life and we will dwell in Christ (or Christ consciousness) forever!
Create a beautiful world and glorious future with positive words of faith.
God (our highest Self) sees us all holy, righteous, blameless and above reproach. We are beloved and valuable in Christ.
Experiencing the perfect love of God casts out every fear, and faith becomes operative.
"Think about His love, think about His goodness, think about His grace that brought us through."
"For as high as the heavens above, so great is the measure of our Father's love. Great is the measure of our Father's love."
The revelation of the gospel is the revelation of the fullness of Christ in every one of us.
Love life and see good days, and speak positive words of faith and blessings.
The Spirit love of God perseveres and sustains soul love, as in the marriage between Christ and the church.
"In the light of the king's face is life, and his favour is like the latter rain."
It's all about Jesus (our true identity) and His finished work because He and us are One. He loves us so much.
See one another as finished and perfect workmanship in Christ. We are blooming wherever we are planted.
Expect the favour of God (cosmic consciousness) wherever we go. It is our Father's good pleasure to give us the kingdom (righteousness/innocence, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit within us) where all our needs are met.
Jesus is love in action. He came to serve and give His life for us. He (our true Self) continues to live in and through us.
We are believers in Christ who live by His indwelling life.
Every day is Today for us to enter into rest. Jesus is our today, our rest.
Jesus always sees us His bride without spot, wrinkle or any such thing because as He is, so are we in this world.
Life begins when we realise who we are in Christ.
Father's love,
finished work,
Holy Spirit,
Jesus Christ,
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