Thursday, August 16, 2012

Truth fears no questions

Yes truth fears no questions as truth is self-evident and is not threatened by our questioning. Truth can stand up to scrutiny on its own. It reminds me of a similar quote which goes something like "Unanswered questions are far less dangerous than unquestioned answers".

It is good then to live life with a free spirit of inquiry as we get to learn new things and new perspectives, and while we may not always be able to find satisfactory answers to every mystery, we can become better informed and gain a more well rounded knowledge and understanding about various subjects. If not for questioning, for example, we would probably remain in the dark ages of religion and live in fear of an "angry god in the sky". But with questioning and exploring, we discover many ways of looking at the Christian religion and realise it borrowed many different ideas from many different ancient traditions, and there goes the idea of an angry god out of the window. Instead, we realise the truth is not in a book and is in our heart.

The truth that sets us free fears no questions, and the truth of perfect love also casts out fear. There is no fear in love, just as there is no fear in truth. Truth and love goes hand in hand, and is always on our side.

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