The following posts by Joshua Guild resonate with me. It reminds me of this picture message.

"I am going to say something that goes against what many are brainwashed into believing... There is a toxic lesson taught by religions, parents and other people we give positions of authority... Here is the GREAT LIE that causes life to be sucked out of your life, transforming life into a blood sucking vampire... At some point you were most likely and most subtly taught to love others MORE than you love yourself... Listen closely... Loving others more than you love yourself sets you up to be used... abused... to feel guilty... ashamed... and inadequate. It is impossible to love others when you feel as if there's not enough of you to go around... Loving others MORE than you love yourself leads to a downward spiral into a severe form of depression... known as despair... You are only capable of loving others AS MUCH as you love yourself and not a measure more... So what ever you need to do on this day to be happy... DO IT! Happy people make the best friends, best parents, best lovers, best employees and the best bosses... Never consider it selfish to put your happiness first... Happy people contribute by far the most to society... so give yourself permission to be happy... set yourself free... it really is not as wrong to be happy as you might have once thought... I give myself this speech often... so today I decided to share my speech with you..." Joshua Guild
"There is place in our being that Jesus said to shine... Jesus even said let YOUR light shine... He didn't call it His light, He called it YOUR light... Be a person who shines with a love that I ignites others in your presence... Be a candle that lights other candles... Achieve a happiness that becomes contagious... Walk into a room and light it up with love... I believe Jesus, Buddha and all other enlightened gurus/people have shined with this Christ-like essence... The opposite of self love is shame... We all carry a degree of shame... we all hide to a degree behind this shame... Jesus said don't hide your light under a bushel... that bushel is shame... we are afraid to dance... to strut through life with our chin up... to look people in the eyes when we speak to them... to say those things our heart wants speak, we are afraid the words won't come out right... YET... deep inside each one of us is light hiding behind that shame... in fear of nakedness... Love is the voice of God's calling out to you... asking the magical question... Who told you that you were naked? Who told you to compare yourself to others? Who told you that life was a competition? We are all uniquely beautiful, so we can all love and appreciate our being... and open the doors of our heart to let love in and our essence out." Joshua Guild
“The secret of attraction is to love yourself. Attractive people judge neither themselves nor others. They are open to gestures of love. They think about love, and express their love in every action. They know that love is not a mere sentiment, but the ultimate truth at the heart of the universe.”
Deepak Chopra
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