Thursday, November 29, 2012

We are all brothers and sisters in the same family of Love

until you understand love...........your fellow man will be a stranger...........only known by the knowledge of...........good and evil........religions son in whom the serpent is well pleased.......blessings
- Dean Dosher
Yes, the understanding of Love enables people to transcend the illusion of the knowledge of good and evil, as noted by Dean Dosher. According to the gospel (as I understand it), when we know the love of Christ that has become our identity, we will no longer know people according to the flesh (based on good and evil, which is also the law mindset), but we know people based on the truth of our true identity as new creations - the old Adamic identity is done away, and the new paradigm of how we see ourselves and others in Christ, our true origin, has come.

So, we see that the gospel of grace and peace transforms people's mindset to see one another as fellow brothers and sisters of the same family of Love, and no longer relate to one another based on our performance. In Christ, there is neither male nor female, Jew nor Greek, christian nor hindu nor buddhist nor atheist, gay nor straight, Chinese nor Indian nor Japanese nor African nor American, for all are one in Christ (who is an archetype of our true identity), and God is all and is in all.

2 Cor 5:17 Now whoever you thought you were before, in Christ you are a brand new person! The old ways of seeing yourself and everyone else are over. Look! The resurrection of Jesus has made everything new! (Just imagine this! Whoever a person was as a Jew, Greek, slave or freeman, Boer, Zulu, Xhosa, British, Indian, Moslem or American, Chinese, Japanese or Congolese; is now dead and gone! They all died when Jesus died! Remember we are not talking the law language here! The 'If' in, "If any man is in Christ" is not a condition, it is the almighty conclusion of the revelation of the gospel! Man is in Christ by God's doing. 1 Cor 1:30, Eph 1:4. (Mirror Translation by Francois du Toit)
To My Entire
Soul Family
Thank you
For Being Here
At this Amazing time
On This Beautiful Planet
With Me
I am so Glad I found you
Thank you for Touching My Heart
And Reminding Me Who
I Am
And For Making this World a Better Place…
I Am Eternally Grateful
We Are All One
Together We Fly
You Are
Perfect, Strong and Beautiful…
Just The Way You Are
For I See The GOD In You
Bless is The Day
Music & Words By

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

A metaphysical interpretation of incarnation

Someone wrote:
"maybe the incarnation is in fact, a moment of realization, for every human, in that when the word (ideas; constructs; mediation) becomes flesh (materialization) we realize that prior to this what we have been experiencing was not reality at all..."
Yes, I too would see the incarnation as symbolic of a moment of realisation for every human being that the word (idea or construct about who we are and where we come from) is made flesh (manifestation). Perhaps before the word was made flesh, before the incarnation, symbolically speaking, people were living in darkness, in the sense of living under the illusion of separation. The shadow self/vengeful god/ego that caused people to live in fear, guilt and strifes with one another is brought to light and this darkness of ignorance could not overcome the light of the truth of our innate oneness, wholeness and beauty that is made manifest through the incarnation (or realisation of our true identity). 

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Moving beyond the society's definition of success

“The plain fact is that the planet does not need more successful people. But it does desperately need more peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers, and lovers of every kind. It needs people who live well in their places. It needs people of moral courage willing to join the fight to make the world habitable and humane. And these qualities have little to do with success as we have defined it.” ― David Orr, Ecological Literacy

Yes, our planet doesn't need more successful people because the society's definition of "success" is anti-Earth and anti-humanity, since people's competition for more wealth, possession, recognition, social status, etc only serves to create division and discrimination among humankind as well as over-exploit natural resources and cause environmental degradation and species extinction.

It is more important and sane to seek to make the world habitable and humane through championing equal rights and promoting freedom and peace as well as working towards environment conservation. Like what David Orr said, these qualities have little to do with the society's definition of "success".
“I think the greatest people in (our) society carve niches that represent the unique expression of their combination of talent.” Neil deGrasse Tyson

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Embracing our divinity and humanity

"Salvation thus resides in transforming how we position ourselves in relation to this state. We can outline these various positions in this way,

We are broken and don’t acknowledge it (through repression, disavowal etc.)
We are broken and do realize it
We are broken and affirm it

This doesn’t mean that we simply accept difficult things in our lives and resign ourselves to them. Rather it means freeing ourselves from the idea that something will bring some final inner harmony and learning to work for small, incremental changes. In concrete terms this means that, if we are ill, we don’t wait for a sudden change, but take concrete medical action and attempt to face the illness. Or that we don’t hide away from the world in some compound (whether that is a real compound or our bedroom), imagining that it will be remade in a perfect way, but work up the courage to try and change how we live now.

The idea that there is some way of bringing wholeness and harmony into our lives is actually an ideology which acts against making real change here and now, thus rendering us more susceptible to those who promise that they have the diet, drug or divinity that would make everything perfect again."
~ From "Happiness is Not a Three-Step Dance" by Peter Rollins

My understanding of the above message is that we can embrace not only our divinity but also our humanity including all our brokenness and sorrows and pains. It is about accepting reality and being responsible for creating our own reality and working through our own struggles instead of waiting for some god in the sky to make everything alright. In doing so, we are working out our own salvation as we are our own saviours (or physicians).

Monday, November 19, 2012

The biggest embrace of love

"The biggest embrace of love you'll ever make is to embrace yourself completely. Then you'll realize you've just embraced the whole universe, and everything and everybody in it." —Adyashanti (((Hugs)))
Yes, to embrace ourselves is to embrace the whole universe because the universe is in us and we are the universe. All love is self-love, as you have shared before.

Whitney Houston's song "The greatest love of all" came to mind:
"I found the greatest love of all 
Inside of me 
The greatest love of all 
Is easy to achieve 
Learning to love yourself
It is the greatest love of all"
I also like a similar message in this article
"And when we nurture ourselves, the ripples really do pulsate outwards.
Love yourself, exactly as you are, right now…
This is the most divine gift you can give yourself.
It is also the most powerful gift you can give to the world.
By loving YOU, you send out a message of unconditional love to all sentient beings."

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

“Silence is the language of God, all else is poor translation.” Rumi

In truth everything and everyone
Is a shadow of the Beloved
And our seeking is His seeking
And our words are His words...
We search for Him here and there
While looking right at Him.
Sitting by His side, we ask:
'O Beloved, where is the Beloved?'

You suppose you are the trouble
But you are the cure
You suppose that you are the lock on the door
But you are the key that opens it
It’s too bad that you want to be someone else
You don’t see your own face, your own beauty
Yet, no face is more beautiful than yours.

Wake up lovers, it is time to start the journey!
We have seen enough of this world, it is time to see another.
These two gardens may be beautiful but
let us pass beyond them and go to the Gardener.

“Silence is the language of God,
all else is poor translation.”

Yes silence is the language of God, for we experience God our true self in silent contemplation.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Why people need a religion based on probabilities and science

"I'm beginning to believe, consider even, that the vast majority of people actually need a religion because they are incapable of being responsible for themselves and to themselves, nor are they capable, either by nature or nurture, to have independent thought. They need religion to control or to justify being controlled. If this is true, then they need a better religion, one based on probabilities rather than impossibilities, science instead of snake oil." ~Timm Chambliss
Yes, Christianity is dying right now before our eyes, and I believe those who hold on to mainstream Christianity or evangelical Christianity are doing so only because they are used to being controlled by the church leadership, as noted by Tim Chambliss. Even so, they would be better off choosing a better religion that is built on probabilities (or possibilities) and science, instead of dogma and superstitions.

I also wonder how long the existing preachers can continue to keep up their facade and pull the wool over people's eyes with their fear-based and separatist doctrines, in order to keep the religious business going. Whatever it is, more and more people around the world are indeed starting to question and reject status quo and compliance to norms in the church world and in society at large. We can only keep on sharing edifying materials that are helpful to ourselves and others concerning our innate oneness in the meantime, and witness the freedom being experienced by more and more people around us.

Also, the universe has its own way of getting the message across to people in their awakening process, so in the meantime, it is wise to keep a distance for the time being from those who are unpredictable and have yet to come to terms with their own shadows, so to speak, for our own safety. Each of us has to deal with our own shadows and is not responsible for others' shadows. Though we may still share thought-provoking and liberating materials with others from time to time, through our blogs, emails, etc, it is up to them to decide whether and how they allow themselves to be inspired and awakened. The old system of classism is dying, and people need to either evolve and grow along with the new system of equality or eventually die (with the old system), or at the least become irrelevant in the new era of higher consciousness and unity.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

A deep unmovable sense of peace

“No matter how much drama others are into, you can see them as the creative expression of the same one Source from which all has sprung. When you are in that holy space and you begin to look at things with new eyes, there will come a peace that the world does not know, but a peace that you know very deeply within your soul, a peace that you yearn for, a peace that says, ‘I am okay no matter what happens in my life, no matter what drama, no matter what seeming loss or abandonment, no matter what seeming wrong choices have come, I am okay. I am divine. I am loved. I am love walking on two feet, and I will be that sun —s-u-n— the Light of the world.’ "
Oakbridge University ~ Jeshua Online ~ Message of the Day~
Yes, when we are resting in the Source, we are experiencing a deep unmovable sense of peace, knowing we are loved and we are divine.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Overcoming illusions

"The world is run by people who depend on people depending on an illusion that they are willing to fight for. As long as the people are fighting for an illusion, they don't have the energy to see beyond it."-Karrie O.
I suppose the rulers here may refer to those seeking power and control in politics and religion. Yes they usually depend on people who buy into the illusion they painted, such as the illusion of separation (to control people with fear of a vengeful deity or to manipulate people to fight against imaginary enemies in other countries) and the illusion of democracy (which has been mainly controlled through propaganda, making it hard to people to make informed decisions in voting). Hence, it takes each individual to be our own saviour and rely on our intuition and resources to find out the truth that sets us free.
Related link: 
prayer from the cell: no separation

Saturday, November 3, 2012

"Be still and know that I am God"

Freedom is the space for existence. Stillness is space for movement. Silence is space for sound. Darkness is space for light. Coldness is space for warmth. God is the freedom, the stillness, the space, the darkness, the silence, the coldness. God is the container, He is the unmanifested for without which the manifested could not exist. The space always was and always will be. We occupy this space whether we know it or not. We live inside God's body and if we stop and become present we will discover that inside every moment something is pointing to His existence. "Be still and know that I am God".
- Joshua Guild
This contemplative post reminds me of a quote I came across earlier in one of Facebook inspirational pages:
"The breath is the manna of the universe. Be still with the manna of your breath and know your soul."
Spiritual Awakenings
I have learnt that God is in the breath and is the breath because God is spirit and our breath is spirit. God is also grace (divine, perfect and unconditional love that is our true identity) and grace is the manna, and so every moment we breathe in grace, our manna. Like what the quote says, when we are still and breathe in awareness, we will know our soul.

Similarly, I like what the above post says about us stopping and becoming present and discovering that in every moment something points to God's existence. Come to think of it, this is true because God is all in all and there is nothing where God isn't and there is nowhere where God is absent. God is in our breath and in between the breaths we take. God is there when we inhale and when we exhale. God is present when we believe and when we doubt.

Like what Joshua Guild says, God is present in sound and in silence, in darkness and in light, in coldness and in warmth, in freedom and in existence. I think this aptly describes the mystery and mysticism of God that goes beyond traditional doctrines of religions that tend to portray a one-sided picture of God. Indeed, God is both the unmanifested and the manifested, as without darkness there would be no light. I think it is comforting to know God lives in those spaces of our life in which we used to think he was not present. Being still, then, causes us to know and acknowledge that God is ever present, every moment, in us, around us, with us and as us, and is always for us regardless of our state of knowing or awareness. Such is the love and faithfulness of God, our highest consciousness.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

God is all in all

"I will have nothing to do with a God who cares only occasionally. I need a God who is with us always, everywhere, in the deepest depths as well as the highest heights. It is when things go wrong, when good things do not happen, when our prayers seem to have been lost, that God is most present. We do not need the sheltering wings when things go smoothly. We are closest to God in the darkness, stumbling along blindly"
~Madeleine L'Engle
Yes, it is a divine paradox in that God is most present in our darkest moments of doubt and despair. I think much of the popular religious teachings tend to portray god to be present only when people have faith and is absent when people lacks faith or positive thinking, which sound fluffy and shallow. Yet God is all in all, and many a times deep calleth unto deep during our times of sorrow and anguish. A deeper peace lies within that is beyond superficial happiness and material pleasure, and also beyond doubts. God is love and love is found in everything and transcends polarities and duality. God is indeed with us always.