Thursday, June 28, 2012

A grace perspective of Jesus

"God sent Jesus to join the human experience, which means to make a lot of mistakes. Jesus didn't arrive here knowing how to walk. He had fingers and toes, confusion, sexual feelings, and crazy human internal processes. He had the same prejudices as the rest of his tribe: he had to learn that the Canaanite woman was a person. He had to suffer the hardships and tedium and setbacks of being a regular person. If he hadn't, the Incarnation would mean nothing."
Anne Lamott ~ "Grace (Eventually)"
I agree with Anne Lamott's grace perspective of Jesus regarding the purpose of his incarnation, which is to be a human being and participate in the fullness of the human experience with all its affections, temptations and temperaments. These would include a full range of emotions and experiences such as boredom, tiredness, sexual arousal, prejudice, shortness of temper, and so on. If Jesus had not been so attuned to the inner voice of the heavenly father (his highest self), he would probably have done some harm to others, like any other human being.

I believe Jesus knew he couldn't be a perfect human being who is prim and proper in every way, and he chose not to put himself under the law, knowing he himself would be disqualified by the ridiculous demands of the law. For example, Jesus said if anyone says to a brother "you fool" in anger, he has committed murder, and if anyone looks at a woman with lust, he has committed adultery. Come to think of it, Jesus being a full-blooded human would have been guilty of both because he has indeed called the Pharisees names in anger, and he certainly would have been sexually attracted to women even though the bible made no mention of that. I think that's why Jesus chose to live by the heartbeat of love instead of the law because love does no harm to a neighbour. Hence, when he lived by the rhythm of love (also known as the unforced rhythm of grace), he got into trouble with the law because on a number of occasions, he broke the law by healing the sick on sabbath days out of his compassion for them.

Jesus is also able to sympathise with our weaknesses and feel what we feel because he was tempted in all things as a human being yet he was without sin (which I believe means that he did not forget his true identity even though he experienced temptations and failures/weaknesses - he held on to the truth that he remained a beloved son of God). Hence, when the Pharisees asked him to condemn the woman caught in adultery, he refused to do so and defended her, and later told her he did not condemn her (because he also did not condemn himself when he committed adultery in his heart) and he reminded her to go and sin no more (as in continue to remember she is still a beloved daughter of God and nothing will ever change her true identity and she can hold her head high and not allow herself to be suppressed or oppressed by religion).

It is therefore encouraging and empowering to see Jesus in the light of grace because he showed us how to be fully human and accept ourselves in the totality of our humanness with all our affections, emotions, temptations and temperaments.

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