Tuesday, June 12, 2012

There is a book written

"There is a book written... not in print, but written in the souls of humanity... some read it, some don't, but this book is deep within all... and life is designed to draw our attention inward to this book". - Joshua Guild
Yes, there is a book written not in print but in the souls of humanity. Each of us has a life story and we create the chapters with our thoughts and live accordingly. Perhaps this explains why many of us like to read books because we find much of the stories written in the books mirror our  own stories written in our souls, and we can relate to them and learn from them as well.

This also reminds me of the verse that says we are living epistles, open and read by people. At the esoteric level, we are the good news, as our life story is hidden in Christ our true identity, and our book cover bears the image of god or divine unconditional love. When we take time to be still and meditate, we are reading the book written on our heart that reminds us of who we are - the I Am. Page after page reveals to us the infinite measure of our worth and the depth of our belovedness, the full extent of our completeness and perfection, the glory of our innocence, and the  beauty of our unity and oneness with the universe. The book of our soul is a page turner, hard to put down once we start reading it as it is spiritually enlightening, intellectually stimulating and emotionally fulfilling.

Our true identity - Christ in us the hope of glory - have done so many things such as doing good and healing all that were oppressed by the devil (ego or false identity) that if they were written one by one, even the world itself could not contain the books that would be written, as John wrote in his gospel. I believe that is also because the works of Christ are still being written today in our hearts - they are a neverending story since God is all the while expressing His love through us His beloved children.

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