Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Spiritual activities and interpersonal skills

According to this blog "The Bait and Switch of Contemporary Christianity", "spiritual" activities (such as praying and reading the Bible) do not necessarily enhance one's interpersonal skills. In fact, if one is not careful, doctrines and books tend to influence his mindset to the extent of discriminating others who do not think or believe like him. Therein lies the danger of organised religion, which perpetuates the illusion of separation and "us" versus "them". 

I have come to realise that life is not about doctrines; life is all about relationships with people. If those who are still being influenced by religious teachings treat us unkindly, we know it is because of their attachment to doctrines and not because of us. We can only keep resting in our belovedness and perfection, and love them from afar, like what Jesus said "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do".

We are a perfect workmanship created in love, and how others treat us does not define us because we are defined by our original identity. How someone treats other people does not define them; it only reflects him. If he chooses to treat others like enemies just because they disagree with his views, his actions are only a product of religious conditioning from the Christian fundamentalist circles, and he knows not what he was doing. We can rise above the way such people treat us, and we can continue to fly high as eagles.

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