There is nothing more fulfilling than being preoccupied with the knowledge of Christ (who is our true identity) in all His fullness.
God (our highest self) is love and love keeps no records of wrongs, and love never fails.
Thank You Lord (our higher consciousness and our true self), for Your lovingkindness is better than life.
Faith is having a good opinion of God (who is our highest self, who takes care of even the minutest detail in our lives).
Give thanks in everything because of His grace and our worth (our original design and value).
Rest in the Lord (our higher consciousness) and wait patiently for Him.
Jesus (our true identity) is in the present (I Am). Peace and joy is found in encountering Him in the simplest things in life. :)
God's presence is found in the present.
Focus on living in the present, for He (our love consciousness) takes care of the future.
We experience life and victory when we focus on Jesus (our true identity) and meditate on His goodness and love.
The more we know Jesus (our true identity who is beloved and complete), the more grace and peace is multiplied in our lives.
Righteousness is not based on what we do. Righteousness (or innocence) is based on who we are because Christ (our true origin and identity) is our righteousness (and innocence).
We are all complete in Christ and the beloved of the Father (our highest self).
As Jesus is, so are we in this world. See eveyone through His eyes of love and wisdom.
A life of being under grace is a life of thanksgiving for God's constant supply (within us).
As Jesus is healthy and strong and favoured, so are we in this world, and the Holy Spirit (our inner witness in our heart) bears witness with the truth.
Every time we worship God (our true self - feeling good about who we are), we are redeeming the time.
As our days, so shall our strength and rest be. Every day, we are growing stronger, healthier and more youthful. :)
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