"Following is an excerpt from a description of Caputo’s book, What Would Jesus Deconstruct?”
“Deconstruction is not destruction but rather a breaking down of the object in question so as to open it up to its own future and make it more loyal to itself. This is because in deconstructing, the undeconstructible is revealed, in this case, the eternal truth of God revealed in the gospel.”
The title of this article comes from a frequently used paraphrase of a Buddhist koan (a poem used to provoke thought) attributed to Zen Master Linji, founder of the Buddhist Rinzai sect. The saying is, “If You Meet The Buddha On The Road, Kill Him.” Though this sounds a little bit shocking, its intent is to shake the reader out of their spiritual or intellectual slumber to consider the deeper truth of the koan."
- Christian Piatt
I agree with the approach of the zen koan about killing God when we meet him on the road, as a way to remove our preconceptions of God so that through deconstruction of our ideologies about what God is like and how God does things, we may then allow ourselves to see God as He is. So I learn that Moses wanted to know how God did things, and was left with the mystery that God simply is who He is. Similarly, in the case of the 2004 Asian tsunami, people wanted to know why and how God worked behind the scene. Maybe they should just be content with the mystery of God instead of trying to explain the unexplainable. Any attempt to explain in human terms would only leave some dissatisfied with the answers about why some died and some did not die, and so on.
It also occurs to me that God was literally killed when the Jews demanded for His death by crucifixion because Jesus could not fit into their preconceived theology of what God is like. As a result, they killed Jesus but the interesting thing is that by doing so, they deconstructed the illusion of god in their mind and allowed the true God to resurface and showed the world what Love is, that Love overcomes all things and love never fails in spite of all things.
Raising Vibrations
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