Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Taking responsibility and ownership for our own actions and feelings

"Men have a tendency to claim that their own feelings are those of God. Because this phenomenon exists, I cannot logically use the 'evidence' of a man's testimony about God speaking to them. This has nothing to do the glory of man, but everything to do with the fallibility of man." ~ Josh Foreman
Yes, I become wary nowadays when people claim that god told them this and that, as if using God's name to give weight to their views. It is the same back in the ancient days when people wrote about god speaking to them, and they were only projecting their own imagination onto god.

Such testimonies of god speaking to them are as diverse as humanity itself, since each person's experience is subjective, hence theology itself is subjective. "One man's orthodoxy is another man's heresy", as the saying goes. It would be better then that people take responsibility and ownership for their own actions and feelings, instead of trying to convince others that god is speaking to them or telling them to do something. 

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