Tuesday, May 8, 2012

We are all each responsible for our own creation in our hologram

"We are so used to thinking of things external to us. When, we do this we begin to feel like a victim. This keeps the victim-victimizer game going. We have been both. It is some times painful to look within and see self. Many say you need to get rid of your ego. If you do that you are no longer able to see what needs healed. If you repress your thoughts or feelings then this energy turns in and causes illness and all kinds of problems. When, you are able to see it and not judge it but send love to it the energy is no longer stored in and can flow out in a healthy manner. What, is on the outside of you is a refectrion of you. When, you heal what you see needs it, you will stop the victim-victimizer game, you will know we are all in the same boat. We are all each resposible for our own creation in our hologram. Also, makes it easy to love each other. We are all one, but individuated Faces of God Source. So, we make our experience here." ~ Marlene Fow
Yes, we are all one and yet individual faces of the God source in this divine ecosystem in which we coexist and build up one another in the body of Christ. Like what Paul wrote, when one part of the body suffers, the rest of the body is affected and suffers as well, and when one part of the body does well, the rest of the body benefits too and rejoices with that part. 
And yes, I have also come to realise that we are living in a matrix or holographic universe, whereby our inner condition or consciousness can affect our outer condition or universe. So what we see and experience outside is a reflection of what is inside us because what is inside us manifests on the outside. 
Like what the post says, when we love and accept ourselves the way we are, including embracing the ego, we will experience wholeness and create a beautiful and peaceful world both for ourselves and others, which is our ultimate reality. Whenever outside circumstances appear challenging or overwhelming, we can remind ourselves these things are an illusion and focus on the divine unconditional love inside us, and we will remain in peace and victory over the circumstances. 
In 2 Chronicles 20, when King Jehoshaphat and his army was overwhelmed by Moab, Ammon and other armies, they learnt to sing praises and focus on their belovedness, and they eventually won the battle without a fight and got to collect the treasures in the battlefield. 
The gospel of our belovedness and oneness has the power to transform our consciousness and bring peace and wholeness to ourselves, which will also emanate to the world around us. May we continue to create a wonderful, peaceful and restful world.
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